Life Changing Dentures
Can we start by saying that we absolutely LOVE our clients? Signature 28 Denture Clinic is extremely proud to be involved with a variety of wonderful Calgarians. Our patients are extraordinary people who have remained loyal to our business for many years. We are so grateful for their support. This why we are excited to come to work and strive for the excellent service that our customers truly deserve. We recently asked one of our clients, Lynn, to share her testimonial on our blog. Lynn’s father is one of our customers, and met with Curtis because he needed new dentures. English isn’t his first language, which is why Lynn is writing on the behalf of her family. Please read below:
I am Lynn and I am a first generation Canadian. I was mostly raised by my father who took great care of us while my Mom worked long hours at a local bank. For as far as I can remember, my Dad has been missing one of his front teeth. It was very noticeable. When I look at our old family photos, I’ve noticed that he is rarely smiling. Everyone I know would describe my dad as a hard-working, kind, and generous person. But, no one would ever define him as a “smiling” person. He often looked sad and grumpy. His reluctance to smile made it harder for him to maintain long-term friendships. The shame and embarrassment he felt also rubbed on us. As a teenager, I often avoided being seen in public with him. I even lied when one of my friends asked me if he was my father because somehow, I too felt the shame that he displayed and I didn’t even know why.
My father lost his front tooth in his mid-twenties. This was not the result of an accident or an exciting hockey fight. Dad grew up as the eldest of 6 kids. His parents were poor- very poor- and could barely afford to put food on the table. Toothpaste was a luxury they could not afford, and with no health education, his family did not realize the importance of proper dental care. When his tooth started hurting, the easy (and cheapest) solution was to extract it. His native country is a developing nation that lacked proper technology or resources to save the tooth. This is how this toothless grin ended up in his wedding pictures. He did try dentures, but they always made him feel uncomfortable. A dental implant was out of the question! At the time, our family couldn’t afford it. Reality sunk it and he lived without a front tooth for years. He kept a bushy mustache and tried to conceal his upper teeth. Obviously, this didn’t help his self esteem at all.
At the age of 65, my father was resigned to habit of hiding his missing tooth. It was a battle convincing him that seeing a Denturist would really benefit him. After some thorough online research I found Curtis Wiebe. Our visit to the Signature 28 Denture clinic remains a memorable event. We were greeted with warmth and kindness. My apprehensive father slowly let down his guard and started opening up. I was absolutely shocked at the fact that he shared very intimate details with Curtis. For the first time in his life, he was able to shed his fear and frustration to someone that understood. Our initial consultation lasted for about an hour. We left the office feeling relieved and excited about our treatment plan and the prospective new dentures.
With Curtis’s help, my Dad is now embracing life with his new denture. The fit is so comfortable that he reports not even knowing that he’s wearing it. Dad has gone from permanently frowning to smiling. He also looks 20 years younger! It’s amazing what a smile can do to your face. It feels good to see my Dad smiling again. I can tell that he is no longer worried about meeting new people or attending public events. For the first time in years, I’ve actually seen him LAUGH! His big bright laugh lights up any room and the joy he brings to us is priceless. Meeting with Curtis was one of the smartest decisions we’ve ever made.
If you have a family member whose smile needs some help and new dentures, I would strongly recommend they give Curtis and his team a call at Signature 28. A beautiful smile can drastically improve your mental and emotional health. People feel younger and happier when they can express joy through a big smile. And if you are looking for a caring Denturist, contact Signature 28 Denture Clinic. The staff provides exceptional service to hundreds of happy customers. You can make the first step to a new refreshing smile by calling 403.228.5311.