Hello Calgary!
New patients often come to us because they have issues with their lower dentures. The truth is that poorly-fitted lower dentures can cause extreme pain and frustration. In fact, problems with lower dentures can result in weight loss, chronic pain, and speech difficulties.
In this article, Our denture pros, Curtis Wiebe and Tatem Anderson, answer some common questions about ill-fitting lower dentures.
How do I know if my lower dentures are not functioning properly?
Some conspicuous signs of an ineffective lower denture include: looseness during eating, speaking, yawning, or when opening your mouth really wide. Most of our patients also report experiencing soreness in in their gums that is specifically triggered when using the lower denture. Other signs of a poorly-fitted denture include: headaches, dull pain in and around the ears, or corners of the mouth that are continually cracked or sore.
If you are unsure about the effectiveness of your lower denture, come over to our clinic for a friendly chat with myself or my associate Denturist. A quick check-up can save you long-term pain and discomfort.
I have no issues with my upper denture, but why is it such a frustrating ordeal with my lower denture?
Unfortunately, wearing a lower denture is a lot like riding a bicycle. It takes more practice, time, and effort to get used to your lower denture. In comparison to the upper denture, lower dentures have to operate in a highly “mobile” environment. The tongue has a tendency to try and dislodge the lower denture while speaking or eating.
To add insult to the injury, the lower ridge is much smaller than the upper ridge because it is prone to excessive shrinking. As a result, there is less surface area for the lower denture to grip on and create suction.
Other than the design of the lower denture itself, are there other reasons why I am trouble with my lower denture?
With major developments in technology, lower dentures are designed to operate effectively and comfortably. Truthfully, it takes perseverance and practice to fully embrace your lower denture. However, there could be other physiological and biological factors that could result in additional difficulties with your lower denture. Your medical history is relevant when talking to your denturist. You should also share details about drugs or medication you are currently taking. Some medications can cause mouth dryness, which can negatively impact the effectiveness of your lower denture?
What are some solutions to lower denture problems? 
The best advice we can give to new denture wearers is to be patient and kind to yourself. As mentioned before, it initially takes persistence, but there are tremendous benefits to wearing a lower denture. You must get in the habit of not pushing your denture with your tongue. We understand that it is easily said that done, but getting rid of this habit will prevent your denture from constantly being dislodged.
If you are experiencing long-term pain, it might be time to consider a hard reline. A reline will re-adapt your denture base the current anatomy of your lower ridge. A hard reline can be done quickly at our in-house lab.
In some cases, a new denture may be necessary because the shape of your ridge has drastically changed. The fabrication of a new lower denture can take a few days, but comes with the promise of a more efficient and comfortable device.
Are there “special” lower suction dentures that can help with extreme cases?
Our clinic offers the fabrication of SEMCD Lower Suction Dentures, which are incredibly reliable and stable. These revolutionary dentures were invented by Japanese Prosthodontist, Dr. Abe. These lower dentures solve a majority of long-term issues because they are less bulky and provide tremendous suction. Lower SEMCD dentures are definitely superior to regular lower dentures in terms of quality, stability, and durability.
If you believe you would be a good candidate for a lower suction denture, book an appointment with our in-house denturists. We have a certified SEMCD Denturist who can assess your needs and determine if this suction denture is right for you.