“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” Jim Rohn

Change is scary. Change is tough. Getting new dental implants can bring about nerve-racking feelings. Some of our patients express how anxious they are about dental implants. Please be assured that this is a natural feeling. Your dentist and denturist are there to help and guide you through the process. Never hesitate to open up about your feelings and share your concerns with your dental professional.

One of the most common questions about dental implants is about the recovery process. Below is some insightful information that will give you a better understanding of dental implant recovery.

Dental Implant


Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain.

The number of days or weeks it takes to recover greatly depends on the type of procedure that was adopted to place the implant. Patients who did not require an incision during the implant placement will tend to recover faster. It also depends on whether bone grafting  was required. Bone grafting adds more time to the healing process. It should also be noted that an implant placed in the top arch of your mouth takes longer to heal as to compared to the bottom part.

Overall, implants can take up to days or several weeks (sometimes as long as 6 months) to recover. The healing process is indeed slow, but the long-term benefits are truly worth it. Don’t forget that dental implants can last a lifetime! Dental implants preserve, protect, and stimulate natural bone. They actually encourage bone growth and deter bone loss.

make a good choice


Discomfort depends the number of dental implants.

Most patients report that he level of discomfort is relatively minor. If a single implant has been placed, the patient could go back to work and normal daily activities within the next 24 hours. Pain or discomfort levels depend on how many implants have been surgically placed. If you have more than one implant placed during one operation, expect the pain to be more conspicuous.

To deal with the soreness, your dental professional will recommend some Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Depending on your pain threshold, you might not even need to ingest the pain medication.



Opt for soft foods for a few days.

Immediately after your surgery, avoid direct contact on the implant. Many dental professionals will ask that you refrain from having food on your implant during the healing process. Chew on the other side of your mouth to not compromise the integration of the implant(s). The”no-chewing” time frame depends on the type of surgical procedure that was adopted.

For the first 14 days, incorporate mostly soft-textured foods. Our personal recommendations include smoothies and soups. Stay away from nuts, chips, seeds, and hard-textured fruits such apples. Move to a harder-textured diet as slowly as possible. The last thing you want is to apply undue pressure on your beautiful dental implants. It is best to move at a cautious pace.

The wait is worth it!!! After your implants have been fully healed, you will be able to enjoy and eat virtually anything. Dental implants can give you a great natural bite and keep your teeth in place while you chew.



Check out this awesome blog with 30+ ideas on delicious soft foods

Click here>>> Great recipes for soft foods after dental implant procedure



We won’t deny that recovery won’t be easy. However, keep in mind that dental implants will greatly enhance your face and smile. You will enjoy a beautiful natural smile that will make you feel confident. Dental implants also make it easy to speak, cough, eat, and laugh without feeling self-conscious or embarrassed.

Let’s not forget about the fact that dental implants have a solid track record of incredible reliability and long-term success. An investment in dental implants is one one of the most valuable gifts to your health and happiness.



If you have more questions or guidance, our expert staff will be happy to assist you! Our clinic is conveniently located in the SW community of Killarney. Come on by for a chat with Curtis! Your initial consultation is free of charge, and our lovely administrative coordinator, Kelly, will be pleased to help you book an appointment at your convenience.

Call us at 403.228.5311. Talk to you soon!