Fear of dentures? Who me? No way! I don’t need dentures! I’ll be fine without them!
The fear of dentures is real- very real. Some individuals display symptoms of stress and anxiety at the thought or sight of dentures. This condition is not very common, but it does exist. It can be an overly daunting task to convince a denture phobic individual that dentures are needed, not just for aesthetic reasons, but for overall health purposes. Here are some great tips on how you can help someone with an extreme fear of dentures:
Trying to convince something that dentures are needed can be a very difficult task. You will have to confront anger, frustration, and denial. It is important for you to remind your loved one that you are not being judgmental and there is no cause for embarrassment. Take some time to pause and listen to what he/ she is afraid of. Show genuine empathy and try to put yourself in his or her shoes. Remember: everyone reacts differently to the idea of wearing dentures. Do not dismiss the fear as a childish emotion. Being gentle, kind, and patient will relieve the emotional pressure that often overwhelms their thoughts. The process can take weeks, and sometimes months. Be supportive by showing your understanding and acknowledgement of their feelings.
Before you are ready to have a heart-to-heart with your loved one about dentures, make sure you’ve done some thorough research on the subject matter. The web is an amazing resource for educational scientific articles on dentures and denture implants. It is also important to read about testimonials and how dentures can positively impact one’s lifestyle. Come up with 5 great benefits of dentures that are RELEVANT to your loved one’s situation. Communicate these advantages in a way that makes sense and that promotes self-awareness in a positive way.
An experienced and emphatic Denturist has tremendous experience with a wide variety of personalities. Denture professionals are used to meeting patients who are scared or embarrassed about their condition. At Signature 28 Denture Clinic, our staff is trained to deal with these situations with compassion, kindness, and respect. Our first consultation is based on building trust and confidence. If your loved one is too afraid to physically step into the office, a casual phone conversation can bring some well-needed reassurance.
For more helpful tips, please visit our other articles. Our staff is always a phone call away at 403.228.5311. When you smile, we smile!