“I can’t get a proper good night’s sleep!”

A lack of good quality sleep can impact us negatively. At our denture clinic, we hear about this issue on a daily basis. The truth is that an alarming number of people have trouble getting the rest that is desperately needed to feel good and energetic the next day.

happy sleeping

How important is great quality sleep? Well, if you value emotional balance, physical energy, and mental sharpness, great quality sleep is extremely important. Insufficient quality sleep can lead to memory problems, cognitive difficulties, moodiness, heart disease, and weight gain. Remember: It’s not about quantity and the number of hours you’re in bed. Quality is what really matters.

Below are some relevant strategies and tips that we recommend to our patients.

  1. Less is more.

A recent study indicated that sleeping with minimal clothing favors deep sleep. Ditching your pajamas has a lot of scientifically proven benefits including lower blood pressure, better body composition, and deeper sleep.

  1. Wear a retainer.

Bruxism involves the clenching and grinding of your teeth, especially during your sleep. Teeth grinding is relatively common and can have some long-term damaging effects on your overall health. If you or your sleeping partner suspects that you are grinding your teeth, take the right measures to get a customized retainer.

At Signature 28 Denture Clinic, we design retainers that help with issues like bruxism. Our friendly specialist, Curtis Wiebe, will be happy to assist you with any requests or concerns you may have.


  1. Cut down on the caffeine.

Coffee is a big part of the North American diet and culture. We do love our coffee but we should remind ourselves that it should be consumed in moderation. Aside from inducing a yellowish stain on your teeth, too much caffeine can have detrimental effects on good quality sleep. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages past noon, and limit your daily intake to one or two cups.


  1. Make your room as dark as possible.a

Summer Calgary sunset times can make it challenging to get a good night’s sleep. Adults and kids have trouble falling asleep when it is still so bright outside. Invest in blackout curtains and if necessary, use a special vinyl film over your windows. We also recommend some thick night shades. A dark environment promotes a deep restful sleep.



  1. Enjoy some herbal tea before bedtime

Herbal teas have natural soothing effects that can calm your mind and digestive system. We generally recommend chamomile tea an hour or two before bedtime.



SIgnature 28 blue light

  1. Avoid electronics right before you go to bed

Easier said than done! We have become so dependent on cellphones, laptops, tablets, and television that it is hard to switch them off. However, it is important to remember that electronics have an excitation effect on our brains. Avoid using electronic devices as soon as you get cozy under your blankets. Electronic glow does interfere with sleep. Instead, adopt the nice old-fashioned approach to book reading. This will make a huge difference- we promise!


Thanks for checking out our blog section. When you wake up happy and refreshed, why don’t you give us a call? Our staff will be more than delighted to chat with you at (403) 228 5311. You can also visit us at #75 1935 37th St SW.

Happy Sleeping !