Happy Summer Calgary!
Did you know that we are still one of the top rated dental facilities in Calgary? We owe this amazing rating to our exceptional patients who make our jobs positively rewarding and exciting. A big thank you to all of our loyal patients, who have taken the time to write about our services and our staff! You can check out our ratings at:
Today, we would love to share 5 helpful tips on how to care for your denture.
1. Brush your denture at least once a day
Treat your denture like your regular natural teeth. Your denture requires your tender loving care on a daily basis. There are special brushes that are more suitable for dentures. These brushes have stronger bristles that can effectively remove plaque and food particles. The whole process will only take a few minutes of your time and will increase the life of your denture. For more guidance on where to buy the denture brush, consult your local Calgary Denturist for some great options.
2. Avoid cleaning your denture with bleach products
Bleach can be extremely corrosive to the metal components of your dentures. Many patients believe that cleaning with whitening bleach products can result in a whiter shine. However, these patients do not realize that whitening products contain chemicals that are very abrasive to the denture. The durability of your denture will be severely compromised if you use bleaching products. A good way to remember this is to think of your denture as being allergic to bleach.
3. Never forget to soak your denture overnight
A lot of our patients feel comfortable sleeping while wearing their dentures. But dentures need to remain moist and retain their shape by soaking in a special solution overnight. You could even use plain water to soak your denture. Your Calgary Denturist can recommend some specific solutions and give you some additional tips on how to properly store your denture overnight.
4. Rinse dentures after meals or snacks AND SING
This is an invaluable tip that will help in preserving your dentures for a longer period of time. Dentures can be subjected to all kinds of foods and chemicals. It is incredibly important to remove the denture and rinse it after meals or snacks. It is not always realistic or feasible for patients to rinse their denture after eating. However, try to rinse as often as you can. It`s quick and easy! Just run some cold water over your denture for a couple of minutes. We can guarantee that this will make a huge difference in terms of functionality and long-term durability.
TIP: To know how long you should run water over your denture, just sing or hum the `Happy Birthday`song to yourself. This is a good indication of how long this should take rinse your denture.
5. Schedule regular check-ups with your Calgary Denturist
There are things you will not necessarily detect until a trained professional eye looks at your denture. Routine check-ups are very important and can prevent further damage and cracks. Your Calgary Denturist knows how to spot small imperfections and can readily fix these problems.
If you need advice from friendly and knowledgeable denture professionals, contact us at 403.228.5311. We look forward to an opportunity to impress you with our exceptional customer service and excellent quality work.