Your new denture is the start of a new happy adventure. A denture can drastically change your lifestyle and improve your oral health. However, the first few days of wearing your new denture can cause some mild discomfort. In fact, it is not unusual to experience minor irritation and soreness. Always keep in mind that the discomfort is very temporary and the adjustment happens faster than what you would expect.

We’ve asked our Denture professionals at Signature 28 to give us the scoop on home remedies pertaining to new dentures. Here’s what our experts recommend:


Never underestimate the power of salt water. Salt water can decrease swelling and irritation in gums. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to a cup of lukewarm water. Rinse your mouth three times daily.



Black tea bags contain tannins. These are very effective in reducing soreness and inflammation of your gums. Tannins also have antioxidant properties that are beneficial for your health.

After steeping your tea bag in hot boiling water for a few minutes, let it cool down. Once the bag is safe to touch and no longer hot, gently apply it to the sore area of your gums. This will have a soothing effect on your gums.



One simple but effective trick is to gently massage your gums with a tiny bit of olive oil. Apply a tiny bit of the oil on your index finger and rub your gums using slow circular motions. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can use coconut oil instead of olive oil.


Aloe Vera is internationally renowned for its healing properties. This plant contains a gel-like substance that you can extract by cutting the leaves open. Just rub the gel on the sore part of your gum for a few minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

aloeveraFor more information on new dentures, dental implants, and powerful teeth whitening products, call us at 403.228.5311. Did we mention that our clinic is the best rated medical facility in Canada? Let’s chat!