TheĀ importance of smiling and laughing. People often underestimate the power of a simple smile, even when it’s a fake one!!! We hope the following will inspire you to share your beautiful Calgary smile with others.

1. When you smile, helpful biological chemicals are released.

Biological neurotransmitters, also known as endorphins, create happy sensations within our brain and body. They are also incredibly helpful in lowering our stress levels. Endorphins are also released even when we produce a fake laugh or smile. Sharing your bright Calgary smile ends up making you feel more positive and relaxed.

2. Laughing is a great way to release negative emotions.

Laughing can reduce the inner tension you may feel from negative emotions that bottle inside. There is nothing better than a good laugh to see the more positive side of life. If you feel sad, angry, or lonely, pull up some funny YouTube video clips of your shows or comedians. This will bring instant humor to your life and will immediately cheer you up. One of our favourites: Just for Laughs Gags compilations videos.

3. Smiling attracts others to you and effectively draws people in.

The law of attraction heavily relies on positive self-confidence. Smiling gives others the impression that you are happy and positive. A smile can encourage others to come forward, and share a conversation with you. Overall, smiling can be an effective tool in your personal and professional lives.

To achieve your best beautiful smile, do not hesitate to contact our Calgary smile experts by visiting our clinic or calling us atĀ  403.228.5311. Signature 28 Denture Clinic is among the top rated Denture Clinics in Calgary. We have an amazing team of great individuals who are passionate about enhancing your smile.

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