Before we get into explaining what cheap dentures are, I cannot stress enough the importance of a thorough consultation with your Denturist prior to any treatment. The consultation appointment gives you the opportunity to express your concerns and desires for your new dentures. It also allows the Denturist the opportunity to assess the oral conditions inside and outside your mouth, and also allows them the opportunity to assess your needs and exceed your expectations.
Cheap dentures are also known as standard dentures. Standard dentures may fit comfortably and chew well, but are designed for the average patient using basic tooth shades, measurements, and shapes. Standard dentures are unable to achieve the natural appearance some patients desire because of the basic materials that are used. Every denture patient, especially those with oral tissues and bone which have resorbed (shrunk) or those who have unusual jaw relationships (bite) may require a custom cosmetic denture that utilizes premium materials and precision techniques. With premium custom cosmetic dentures, aesthetics, comfort, fit, and function combine to allow your natural smile to shine.
Premium custom cosmetic dentures instill confidence and provide optimum function while eating, speaking, or laughing.
Through the use of sophisticated instrumentation, from the impressions of your jaws to the specific jaw movements you make, all your facial information is recorded. The Denturist is then able to recreate the character of your smile and restore the natural contour of your lips and facial muscles.
As a Denture specialist, Curtis Wiebe offers various types of dentures to satisfy each patient’s specific requirements. Your Denturist, in close consultation with you, will determine what those requirements are and how to meet them. Signature 28 Denture Clinic is able to provide you with the professional advice needed prior to choosing the denture that best suits your lifestyle. Your smile has never come this naturally.